The Saga of Second Grade Homework
Jennie misplaced her homework packet last night. Again.
I don't know why, but Jennie's second grade homework single handedly causes me more stress than pretty much anything.
That's why I got quiet-mad last night when she casually told me that she couldn't find it.
"Why are you silently shrugging?!" Jennie asked me.
"Because being loud-mad won't help. This is YOUR situation right now. I am not involved. You need to talk to your teacher and you need to accept the consequences. I'll be honest though, I'm even worried you'll forget to talk to your teacher about this."
"I won't, Mom! I'll march right up to her and say, 'I lost my homework packet and it's my fault and please don't email my mom because it's not her fault and when you email her about me forgetting my homework it makes her all wobbly.'"
"Please leave the last part about my wobbliness off, but otherwise, sounds good. But how will you remember to say that?"
"I have an idea!" she announced, and ran over to her desk and worked diligently on a note.
When she was done, Jennie brought it over to me with hands-on-hips confidence. "Well, here it is!" She declared. "I enhanced it with stickers."
"Um, ok. But why did you draw a smiling person crying?"
"That's me, sweating. The other one is me, biting my lip."
"Looks thorough," I said, turning my back so she didn't see my smile. "Please don't forget to..."
"...put it in my folder. I know, Mom."
Then, she promptly forgot to put it in her folder.