The worst of COVID is over, but the effects on our kids are lingering.

While we all hope the worst of COVID is behind us, many families are left feeling overwhelmed trying to figure out how to get started with the social and emotional “clean up” that the past two years have left behind. 

Accord School Director and Social Educator Katy Boucher has a brand new, 90-minute, lighthearted presentation for parents and families that is loaded with practical guidance for caregivers of K-12 students. The talk, Putting Kids Back Together: Rethinking our Kids’ Social World After COVID, explores South Shore students’ experiences, gives adults language and catchy characters to understand their kids’ stuck points, and includes a “cheat sheet” full of actionable advice that feels doable… not overwhelming.

What People Are Saying


“The enormity of what these kids lost in the last few years is overwhelming, but we want to be positive and move forward, Katy’s talk helps us to do just that! She lays out a great framework to appreciate what gaps might be present and some concrete ways to support our kids as they face them. Everyone needs to hear this talk!”

— Kate Mozinski, South Shore Mom to 2 teen boys

“Katy's presentation was so thoughtfully presented and engaged all parents in the audience, from preschool to high school. The interactive nature helped parents realize that they are not alone in this journey. She provided helpful strategies for parents to understand and support their kids as work on rebuilding social relationships after the pandemic.”

-Suzan Theodorou, Norwell Director of Student Services

"Katy Boucher has a knack for shining her light on the places we need the most support; humbly knocking it out of the park with her incredibly timely presentation: Putting Kids Back Together after COVID. She offers her invaluable insight into the social and emotional challenges emerging from this pandemic. Our kids are not okay. Everyone is struggling right now. Katy does not claim to have all the answers; but she delivers on tips that we parents can apply to effect positive change, and we should all be here for it!"

Jen DePew South Shore Mom to 2 middle schoolers

For over twenty years, Katy Boucher has been connecting with young people, their teachers, and families through real-life guidance and humor. Katy served as the founder and director of Skills for Living, a lively social learning center that supported South Shore children and families for ten years. She is also the founder and director of The Accord School, an innovative, heart-centered middle school in Norwell. While Katy is firmly planted on the South Shore, her lessons and model for social education have been successfully replicated in schools and clinics nationwide.

Schedule your date.

74 Accord Park Drive
Norwell, MA 02061